Welcome to PRAKTIJK61
Family doctors in Voorschoten

Patient stop Practice News
CONTACT Leidseweg 61 2253 AA Voorschoten
tel 071-5615417 fax 071-5619050
out of hours 088-4274700
Virtual Tour
OPENING HOURS GP Practice Mon through Fri 08.00-17.00
Mon 18.00-21.00(appt)
Lunch 12.00-13.30
Open during school holidays.
MY MEDICAL FILE Log in with DigiD - view your medication list
-request repeat prescriptions
-view your current medical journal
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PRAKTIJK61-our team

Read about us
The Praktijk61 team is pleased to welcome you to our practice at Leidseweg 61.
Our team consists of:
4 general practitioners;
1 GP in training (AIOS);
2 practice nurses (1 for support with chronic physical complaints and 1 for mental health care);
4 doctor's assistants;
"We are so happy to have you"