
We try to give you professional service and we hope you feel secure with us. 

If however you are not happy with the service provided we would like to be notified as soon as possible.

You can file a complaint with this form.

email address:

The complaint concerns:


Complaints? We would like you to discuss your complaints with your doctor.If you are dissatisfied with our service we would appreciate your feed back. We will try our best to solve any issues that led to your dissatisfaction.Sometimes however certain issues cannot be solved in this manner. In that case you can discuss your complaint with an independent and impartial  complaints officer. This person will assist you in finding a solution. The complaints officer will try to mediate and act without judgement. Contacts will be confidential. The complaints officer of Rijn en Duin can be reached by telephone number 088-2045300 or through e-mail: On this website you can read more about the procedure (Dutch). If you still cannot solve the problem with your doctor AND your complaints officer you can ask for a judgement of the dispute authority of family practitioners. This independent committee consists of a chairman who is a jurist, and members delegated from patients and member delegated from family practitioners. They are assisted by a judicial secretary who is also a jurist.The judgement of the dispute authority is binding. You will be able to find more information on the website of .